Friday, 29 January 2010

39) Protein going down......thankfully

In December the first indication that the myeloma was back was the increased level of proteins in the blood, it had increased into the 40's. Today's reading was 18, showing that the valcade is having the desired effect, we do need to get it down to single figures but at least its going in the right direction.
My platelets are still a cause for concern having today dropped to 25. It has been decided by the prof to keep me off valcade for 4 weeks to give the platelets chance to settle and hopefully hold there own without outside help. For the next few weeks I will be on a higher dose of steroid to counteract the effect of no valcade.
We are very pleased with today's results and the fact that the protein level is playing ball with us. We are aware that even after successful valcade there may only be 8-12 months before a possible second relapse so we are already thinking of plan C or is that D with possible transplants or therapies, but that's all for another day.
Very good news is that the prof has given the green light for us to take a holiday between therapies, so we can travel to Cyprus on Wed 10th Feb. THE BEST TONIC!!!!


  1. This sounds pretty good news overall and gives you a welcome respite from the chemo. Make the most of (what medics call) the "drug holiday"; you'll know what I mean, I'm sure!

    See you on Sunday?

  2. Thanks Peter
    I will take advantage of the drug holiday, it will be good for all the family too.
    I do wish we could have carried straight on with valcade but its not the case, it will be good if the platelets have time to sort themselves out. If they do my body will be in a much better state to continue the valcade treatment.
    Until then...... Bring on the holiday..... I think the hotel has wifi so I should be blogging from Cyprus

  3. I'm looking forward to reading the blogs from Cyprus but please remember the poor unfortunates who are left behind shivering and damp. Perhaps you could just turn down your overwhelming optimism and report the odd cloud in the sky, the lower night-time temperatures, how expensive British newspapers are in Cyprus and how difficult it is to get a decent cup of tea (then we can feel better as well).

  4. I will try to be as negative as possible Peter (you just know there is no chance of that) and just think, when we get back I can even blog the photos.

  5. Hi Ivan - it seems quite positive doesn't it. Where are you going to in Cyprus!! If it is Paphos don't tell me. I love it there Garth and I went there twice. Can't wait to see the photos.

  6. Well done with your results. Trust you to take advantage of the break and go off to Cyprus!! Where are you staying? Will be waiting to see the pics and just think Ivan, when you come back it will be that closer for us to go.... yipee! Don't forget to wear the table tennis bats, you really do suit them.
    gina x

  7. Wonderful news. When I read your levels of protein I thought of them as age. Someone well in their 40s going back to 18. So when you go to Cyprus be youthful and enjoy yourself. Not that I'm suggesting an 18 to 30s hol (both Averil and your doc would not be pleased) but remember this quote
    'You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt;
    as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear;
    as young as your hope, as old as your despair.'

  8. Phyllis,
    I will tell you it's Paphos and let's hope we enjoy it as you and Garth did, we will have a toast to him there (and it's Garths round).
    Will have to call round for some maps and ideas, with all that was going on medically with me we had put this on a back burner and almost accepted that we wouldn't be going, it's now a though we have only just booked it. When do you go.

    Fab quote as usual, maybe I need to publish a photo and possitve quote book.

  9. Ivan,
    I think you should definitely look at doing something with your pictures and mix in quotes with it. Your bird pictures are fantastic. Maybe you could take the pics and put them with your favourite quotes that spring to mind when you look at the pics, or how you felt that day!
    But go for it with publicising your pics!!!!!
