Monday, 4 January 2010

18) Eye Test

One of the early signs of myeloma is a weakening of the eyes, I have been advised to have regular eye tests (annually).
I had an opticians appointment today and guess what, I don't need reading glasses or varifocals anymore...... How does that work???


  1. I always said you wouldn't miss anything!! Happy New Year to you, Averil, Jess and Joyce. I like what you said about last year and the coming year. We all have to live for today - you never know what the future holds. Prayers and thoughts are with you as always.

  2. Phyllis

    You know thats always been my way even before myeloma but as you say,it takes on greater meaning now.
    I must be feeling confident at the moment or I wouldn't have spent the money on glasses, would have made do with the old ones, only need an eye test once a year, BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. When they cost £600 + per pair (of specs) I truly believe God is looking after you ...& your bank balance!
    Will be thinking of you during the treatment this week...

  4. Just spotted your twittering invitation.
    Sorry, personally I must draw a line at that...great idea though for those with (a little?) extra time on their hands!

  5. Thank Peter

    Thankfully my glasses don't cost that much, I am just pleased that they found my eyes healthy.

  6. Hi Ivan
    Happy New year to you, Averil, Jess and mum. We arrived back late Sunday after an horrendous journey with freezing fog, black ice and the snow, thinking well that's the end of that! Hm, how wrong can you be. Liked your pic of John, have never seen him without a smile, have you? Good news about your eye test, you've always been good at saving money.Hope the weather improves for your journey to Liverpool and good luck with your treatment.See you soon,
    love, gina and peter xxx
    p.s GP runner, don't waste your money on specs at that price, Pete will always find you an old pair amongst the ones he collects for Vision Aid!!

  7. John is great and always has a smile. Must give him the blog address otherwise he will never see the photos.

    I was thinking about asking Pete for the charity glasses myself, remind me, where does he send them

  8. hmmm that is a medical wonder! Thank God. Fx

  9. I thank him everyday for everyday xx
