Friday, 8 January 2010

21) Long Day At Hospital

We left Warrington at 7.30am when the temperature was -10. Arrived at Royal Liverpool Hospital about 8.30 ready for blood tests and Clinic.

My Platelets were their usual low(or lower at 27, mine are usually about 150, what is a normal 47 years mans level please GP Runner) so it was decided to order more in which unfortunately weren't arriving until 3.30pm ish. I had the Pendamatine antibiotic nebulizer (is that the correct spelling) at 11.30.

We left the hospital for 3 hours and decided to go for a carvery lunch at Otterspool and then get the weekly shopping (there was no danger of it defrosting in the boot), then back to hospital for the platelets which eventually arrived at 4.00pm.

It was decided this morning that I wouldn't have the cancer drug Valcade today because Christmas had mixed the cycle up, the cycle usually runs Tuesday-Friday for 2 weeks and my rushed through cycle was running Friday-Tuesday for 2 weeks, so I start again on Tuesday (hope that makes sense). I did have my steroids this morning in anticipation of the valcade so now I am bouncing off the walls (nothing new there then).

Just had email from BBC North West Tonight. Manchester Ship Canal Photo Published. Click on the RED and Scroll through.


  1. Flippin' eck Ivan that was a long day! Just read your e mail about the crosses and certainly makes you sit back and take stock - thank you. Hope you have a good week end now, relax, feet up and let the girls wait on you. Was talking to Mel on the phone today and have given her your blog address. Speak again soon
    gina and peter xx

  2. Hi G and P

    It was a long day but a good one with a nice break in the middle.
    Thanks for passing the blog address on, the more the better.
    It was the -10 on the motorway that was the worst part of the day

  3. Sue and Dave Caddell8 January 2010 at 22:09

    Hi Ivan,
    Many thanks for email. Brilliant, I've printed it out and passed it on to several friends.
    Glad to see you are keeping your spirits up and getting out to snap some great photos of our beautiful area. Did you see the snowman family on the Causeway, just after the lights on the right hand side heading into town? Very creative,worth looking out for!
    Been to Snowdonia today to pick Lisa up from Uni for her physio.The mountains were very scenic but , surprisingly hardly any snow in Bangor.
    All the best for your next treatment/hospital trip.
    Love from Sue and Dave

  4. Thanks Sue and Dave

    I have seen the snow family, they look great.

    Really glad you have joined the family of bloggers, everyones support really help us


  5. Hi Ivan, (I only removed the above comment because of a punctuation error)
    So pleased about the good news regarding your photo after a long day at the hospital. Maybe you should be renamed David Bailey! The photos you take are so good, why not try printing some off and selling them for McMillan nurses? Or do St Roccos have a shop to sell them on? You could pick a theme like 'Warrington through the seasons' and spend your year capturing the pics, starting with winter! If you go to you could experiment with collage prints and photobooks and they don't cost too much- all done online and posted out to you.

  6. Thanks Joanne

    I have used photobox and Asda photo both very good. The best part of your post is giving me another 12 months to take them ha ha.

  7. Hi Ivan,
    I've also put your blog spot into Wordle as Mike suggested and what's interesting is two of the most biggest prominent words from your blogspot are 'today' and 'decided', 'cancer' is one of the smallest words. So what can you read into this? Make decisions for today possibly? Like decide today to do something with your photos that take you beyond today. A year could be the start, but then go beyond that. At the start of this new decade you could even do 'Warrington a decade of pictures!' starting with your snow pics!!!

  8. Hi Ivan
    What a hell of a day you had yesterday, mine was much more lazy - except for mad hour in Morrisons. Glad you liked the 'crosses' e mail, obviously others do too. Must meet Joanne sometime, she and I share the same opinion about your photos, must be a great girl! Hope you are feeling OK today and have come down from the walls without hurting yourself.

  9. Hi Ivan
    What a day, but glad you enjoyed the carvery at Otterspool - we thought it was a a secret place only we knew about... Sunday lunch is great!Cains too at £1.89 a pint!
    Well done on the brilliant photos. We would rather look at them than the real thing outside. We will email you the snow polar bear from our street.
    Good Luck next week, and it looks like we aren't going to miss a moment at the Fortress!!
    Love, David and Judith

  10. Brenda

    I think you have met Joanne, she was Mikes deputy at Oakward and gave the talk at his leaving do.

    Dave and Judith

    The meal was great, I only had water with the meal because I was having more drugs later.

    Looks like we might be at the fortress lots after Feb because we could be playing 3 games a week.

    Thanks for blogging and a happy new year.

  11. Sorry to be a bit slow off the mark - the combinatio of the weather & general practice is a little heavy!

    A normal platelet count in a healthy individual is between 150 and 450. 95% of people have platelet counts in this range. I guess that means that 5% of normal healthy people don't!

    Love the Ship Canal picture. Could we flog some to boost church funds? ;-)

    Hope to catch up tomorrow at church.

    PS "Pendamatine" should be "pentamidine" but, hey, who but medics worry about such minutiae?

  12. Just realised I did a typo: it should be "combination"!

    I think I'll use your photo as my desktop wallpaper; perhaps it will serve as a daily reminder to check your blog!

  13. Peter

    Please feel free to use my photo, and yes if we can sell them lets go for it.

    Thanks for the spelling of pentamidine, I like it to be correct.

