Thursday, 21 January 2010

32) 8th Valcade tomorrow

Have had a good few days with a few numb fingers and a tiredness but now ready for valcade and antibiotic nebulizer tomorrow and then ten days without. That will be the end of the second of a possible eight cycles.


  1. When I was a little doctor I used to give chemotherapy treatments and I came to admire and wonder at the resolve and courage of those who used to submit themselves to the chemical onslaughts to which we subjected them.
    Things have moved on somewhat from then (that was 30 yrs ago!) but I think the stresses & strains on our patients are just the same as they ever were.
    I salute you, Ivan; keep smiling and spreading the positive vibes!
    I'll be with you (in spirit) tomorrow.

  2. Thanks Peter,

    lovely words.

    You will always be a little doctor (just a little older)

    Its the good Lord and the support and expectations of others that give me the strength and spirit.

  3. Peter,
    it's now about 4.30am and steroids kick in waking me up. I am thinking over what you said, as we have said before it's a path we have to take or not take, I (and looking around the majority of other patients) am only too happy to grab the oppertunity and have a chance, life is a lot about chance and seeing the path before you, I look at it as my path and I will follow it, it's an adventure it's my path of life and who knows what twists and turns will be along my path or your path.
    We all have a part to play and you, the bloggers, the hospital staff, family, friends and strangers are all part of it. Thank you everyone of you.
    We all make this possible.
    Lets thank God and celebrate what we have and change and look for what we haven't.
