Sunday, 17 January 2010

29) Quotes

I think we all have a quote that we like, so I will start you off with my favorite.

If you have one that you wish to add please leave it as a comment or email it to me and I will add it to comments for you. Lets share a few.


I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. (Nelson Mandela)


  1. I'm glad you you watched the clip again but with a notepad and pen and what a brilliant quote to put down in your blog. I found the whole speech from Stephen Jobs extremely inspirational,glad you liked it!

  2. Good for Nelson Mandela, he always seems to come up trumps! Very pertinent. To me the element missing from it is the spirit walking beside us, supporting and guiding as we travel life's journey.
    Is Mandela a religious man, I confess I don't know? Given his history I would suspect not...

  3. ...I must set to & read "The long road to freedom" (I think that was the title of his autobiography...
