Sunday, 7 March 2010

62) What did the weekend bring?

The bulb got changed but only because I went to Halfords and got them to do it, when you see the messing around to change it I think £6.49 for the bulb, to change it and a spare bulb is a bargain, why get my hands dirty.
The football was the usual standard as usual at Warrington Town but the curry was fabulous, well worth the 30 minutes trying to park.
Today was spent appreciating the change in the weather and also how blessed we are with the support of friends, not just for the support during cancer but for generally be part of our lives.
It's hospital again on Tuesday for the velcade, it will be interesting to see what (if anything) has happened to the Platelets, let's hope they have stayed high enough for treatment and that the reduction to once a week has controled my blood for the period of treatment.


  1. Hi Ivan,
    Kane and Adam enjoyed the footie with you. I asked Ad whether he managed to find you in the crowds, he said there had been no problem....!
    Hope everything goes well on Tuesday. Will be thinking of you.
    Love to the girls.
    Julie x

  2. Julie,
    Ad knows where we stand so there was no problem, glad he enjoyed coming and Kane was a star, not a word out of him, hope we see them again when it's warmer.

  3. Good luck for Tuesday, will be thinking of you Wendy xx
