Monday, 22 February 2010

55) Hospital

I have been in contact with the hospital and my clinic appointment is confirmed for Friday at 9.00am, with blood tests at 8.30am.
Lets hope the days in the sun have worked well on my blood.


  1. Looking at those pictures, it would be hard to imagine that the sun has not worked it's magic. I have a very good relaxation session on my i pod which talks about breathing in the golden light and breathing out the troubles and worries of the day! You have to be full of golden light - you breathed it none stop for a week!
    Good luck

  2. Thanks Joanne
    We can use the sunset photo as the golden light.
    I do appreciate the little snippets you add to my blog, I think they and others from fellow bloggers keep it real and fresh.
    Thank you

  3. Well, the pictures helped me relax. The real thing must be even better!
    You looked very well on Sunday and it has (usually) got to be better if you have to contact the hospital for an appointment rather than the other way around. The good old British weather will no doubt encourage you to make a gentle week of it.
    Will be thinking of you on the morning.

  4. Thanks Peter

    I am trying to have a quiet week this week, as much as the holiday was great and very relaxing I do think that the travel and waiting round can take it out of you when not feeling 100%, never mind the temperature change.
    Having said all that I would go again tomorrow given the chance.
